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Property Description: Property Name: Rancho Nuevo (MLS#: 24-4686)Property Price: $135,000Property Description: Incredible property approximately 500 meters from the beach gives you the option of living away from the hustle and bustle of the city, reconnecting with nature, enjoying sunrises and sunsets while enjoying the sea breeze. Take advantage and build the house of your dreams near the beach so you can enjoy unique moments with your family in this wonderful place. Increible propiedad aproximadamente 500 mts de la playa te da la opcion de vivir alejada del bullicio de la ciudad, de reconectar con la naturaleza, disfrutar de amaneceres y atardeceres disfrutando de la brisa del mar, aprovecha y construye la casa de tus suenos cerca de la playa para que disfrutes con tu familia de momentos unicos en este maravilloso lugar.Property Link: Click here to view on
Agent Details: List Number Main: 4686List Number Prefix: 24Listing Side: ListingMemberAddress: Fco I Madero s/n casi esq. Miguel Hidalgo, Col. Centro, Cabo San Lucas, BS 23444ListingMemberEmail: evymrkado@gmail.comListingMemberFax: (624) 121-1442ListingMemberName: Evelyn MercadoListingMemberPhone: (624) 121-1442ListingMemberShortId: E.MercadoListingMemberUrl: Marina, Lote 9 y Faro Viejo, Costa Real, Cond 3, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, BSListingOfficeEmail: ListingOfficeFax: ListingOfficeName: Baja Memories Real EstateListingOfficePhone: (624) 143-9602ListingOfficeShortId: Baja MemoriesListingOfficeUrl: www.bajamemoriesrealestate.comMLS Approved: YMLS Identifier: 20081211185657097606000000Office ID: 20160104193735676011000000
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