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Property Description: Property Name: Rancho Nuevo (MLS#: 24-4671)Property Price: $112,500Property Description: Rancho Nuevo is the combination of privacy and proximity to popular destinations such as Cabo San Lucas, Cerritos Pescadero and Todos Santos. I present you with a very attractive opportunity to acquire flat land that makes construction much easier and the area increases the capital gain of your property by having beautiful houses in the surroundings.Rancho Nuevo es la combinacion de privacidad y cercania a destinos populares como Cabo San Lucas, Cerritos Pescadero y Todos Santos te presento una oportunidad muy atractiva de adquirir terrenos planos que facilita mucho su construccion y la zona eleva la plusvalia de tu propiedad al tener hermosas casas a los alrededores.Property Link: Click here to view on
Agent Details: List Number Main: 4671List Number Prefix: 24Listing Side: ListingMemberAddress: Fco I Madero s/n casi esq. Miguel Hidalgo, Col. Centro, Cabo San Lucas, BS 23444ListingMemberEmail: evymrkado@gmail.comListingMemberFax: (624) 121-1442ListingMemberName: Evelyn MercadoListingMemberPhone: (624) 121-1442ListingMemberShortId: E.MercadoListingMemberUrl: Marina, Lote 9 y Faro Viejo, Costa Real, Cond 3, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, BSListingOfficeEmail: ListingOfficeFax: ListingOfficeName: Baja Memories Real EstateListingOfficePhone: (624) 143-9602ListingOfficeShortId: Baja MemoriesListingOfficeUrl: www.bajamemoriesrealestate.comMLS Approved: YMLS Identifier: 20081211185657097606000000Office ID: 20160104193735676011000000
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